Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Missing Bread

I miss the programs the Church offers, particularly Sacrament Meeting. 

In the last several years, I have suffered from Diabetic Charco (dislocation of bones in the foot) and I’ve had several surgeries and treatments.  I have an ulcer on the bottom of my right foot that will not heal or close up.  As a result, my activity has been severely curtailed and I am not able to attend church with any regularity.

The primary purpose of Sacrament Meeting is to partake of the bread and water and reflect on the sacrifice the Savior made for us.  In addition, in this meeting we receive instruction and reminders of the principles of the gospel as presented by leaders and local members and to participate in worship through singing hymns of the Church.

Additionally, I miss the fellowship and association with the members and friends, our brothers and sisters of the branch (congregation).  I welcome the opportunity to be with people of faith and I hope to return to a more active role and meet with new people in the church as well as long-time members.  Perhaps I will be able to meet you there in the near future.

My name is Hugh, age 71.  I am a life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I was born and raised in the Church.  I am retired and have lived in Harrison for 22 years.

        Yours in the gospel,

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